Bizarre Office Rule “Need To Bring Only Vegan Lunch” Provokes Discussion

Aperplexed A Reddit user is requesting feedback from the internet over an odd workplace rule. You won’t enjoy the condition if you are a passionate meat eater. The anonymous user, who was seeking for employment, shared a screenshot of the company’s criteria and emphasized that it was “strictly vegan.” So much so that neither the workers’ lunches nor their ability to consume any animal-based products on the job site may include non-vegan meals.

“I applied for a job and got this email. Can they really make me agree to this or refuse to employ me based on this?” the Reddit member questioned while posting the screenshot. One of the sentences in the prerequisite section underlines that the employer is not requesting that the jobseeker adopt a vegan diet, but that there are stringent regulations on food preferences on company property.

“Veganism is the only policy in our workplaces. While not required, you must bring a vegan lunch and drink plant milk whether you want to have lunch on-site or off-site. Please indicate that you are okay with this in the company’s need.

The unusual situation seems to have split the internet. The majority of people believe it to be fair and acceptable if the company alerts job candidates of the condition beforehand. Many also emphasized that if the business is requesting confirmation in advance, the condition is not being imposed. Food contamination was clarified by a user who said, “There’s a vegan market here that has those exact same regulations for staff. They don’t want to take a chance on your food becoming contaminated.

Another person went into further detail on the legality of the situation, asserting that dietary restrictions do not constitute a protected class. “They have the option to prohibit meat on their workplace. They may impose whatever regulation they choose, as long as it doesn’t breach safeguards for gender, religion, or handicap, the user said.

“This is true,” echoed another. They can undoubtedly enforce it, unless it would be an ADA violation for you (if you have a history of associated medical difficulties). Another person said, “As long as you can go for lunch, everything is OK. Although I wouldn’t work there, it is not unlawful.

However, meat eaters also have strong feelings on the subject. If the income is high enough, I’ll become a vegan during the day, someone once stated. A second person disagreed, saying, “No job is worth that kind of nonsense.” Yet another person said, “I wouldn’t apply for that job dude.”




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