6 types of Indian apples and their health advantages

India cultivates a broad variety of apple types, each with its own unique flavor profile and health advantages, from the calm heights of the Himalayas to the stunning valleys of Kashmir.

VP of agri-tech firm Otipy Deepak Tiwari spoke with IANSlife about six different varieties of Indian apples, describing their varied flavors, the health benefits they provide, and even offering some helpful storage advice and mouthwatering culinary ideas.

Shimla Apple: Shimla Apple is well-liked for its sweet and juicy flavor, crisp texture, and tangy undertone. They come from the Himalayas, which rise up to 6000 feet. Vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants are abundant in this type.Shimla apples are high in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants that help fight colds and illnesses. They also improve digestion.

Try making a cool Shimla apple salad with a drizzle of honey and some chopped walnuts for some extra crunch.

Kashmir Apple: This apple type comes from the Kashmir Valley and is particularly sweet, juicy, and soft in texture. Compared to other apples, this one’s red hue is paler. Kashmir apples, which are praised for their heart-health benefits, also improve skin and hair, decrease cholesterol, support lung health, and promote immunity.

Create a Kashmiri Apple Chutney to serve with your favorite foods by adding a little cardamom and cinnamon to the recipe.

Apple Kinnaur: These apples are from the 9000-foot-high Kinnaur region of Himachal. These apples are a visual and gustatory treat because to their rich, dark crimson color and crisp texture. These apples improve digestion, increase immunity, help with weight loss, and are good for dental health. They are also high in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants.

Recipe Suggestion: For a warm, soothing dessert on a chilly evening, bake Kinnaur Apple Crisp.

Indian Granny Apple: Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir (up to 7000 feet) are the sources of Indian Granny apples. They are sour, juicy, and have a greenish tint. They also have a distinctive acidity. Apples lower the risk of heart attack and stroke, assist in weight reduction by encouraging satiety, and provide critical vitamins. They are also high in fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.

Idea for a Recipe: Make a flaky crusted Indian Granny Apple Pie with a hint of cinnamon.

Golden Delicious Apple: Originating in Kashmir, Golden Delicious apples have a luscious texture and very sweet flavor. They have a golden-yellow tint that allude to their delicious flavor. These apples help the immune system, improve energy, control blood sugar, cleanse, and promote antimicrobial defenses for general wellbeing.

Cook up a batch of traditional Golden Delicious Apple Pie for a satisfying and wholesome dessert.

Royal Gala Apple: These apples vary in color from pale red to pinkish red and taste delicious, juicy, and crisp when eaten. They are from Kashmir and contain a lot of potassium, which helps to maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

For a dessert that combines the finest of sweetness and crunch, prepare a Royal Gala Apple Crumble.

Storage techniques to increase shelf life

To keep apples fresher for longer, place them in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator. Apples should not be kept next to items with strong flavors since they may absorb flavors. These apples from various parts of India will satisfy your needs for a wholesome snack, a delectable dessert, or a flavorful side dish. Enjoy nature’s abundance just outside your door!


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