Student Organizations Hold Protests Against CUET and NET Center’s Employment and Education Policies

On Wednesday, a large number of students demonstrated against various central government policies on jobs and education at the HKS Surjeet Bhawan. Under the name of “Young India,” the left-leaning All India Students Association (AISA) organized the gathering to demand that their concerns be included in the next Lok Sabha elections.

This comes after nationwide educational institutions conducted referendums earlier this month to get input on issues pertaining to students. Additionally, the students’ union urged the revocation of many “failed policies” implemented by the present administration, including the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) and the National Education Policy, in a charter that was issued.

Former president of the Delhi University Teacher’s Association (DUTA), Nandita Narain, said, “Today ‘Young India’ is standing up for its rights and its public institutions and we must continue this united effort to oust the fascists from power.” Gopal Rai, the cabinet minister of Delhi, Prashant Bhushan, a renowned attorney, and Naval Kishore, the national spokesman for the RDJ, were also present at the event.

In 2024, we may not even be allowed to have gatherings like this one if this dictatorship stays in power. Together, we must fight back against this assault on democracy, Rai said. Bhushan said, “This policy of complete silence on important issues and hate mongering in society must be stopped.”

The event included participation from a number of student organizations, including SFI, MSF, AISF, PSU, RYA, and AIYL.

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