India defeats Malaysia 2-1 in women’s junior hockey to claim a second consecutive victory

Playing according to plan, India defeated determined Malaysia 2-1 in the Women’s Junior Hockey Asia Cup on Monday in Kakamigahara, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. This was India’s second straight victory.

Dian Nazeri helped Malaysia take the lead in the sixth minute. The advantage, however, was short-lived as India’s nimble attacker Mumtaz Khan quickly equalised, and in the 26th minute Deepika made it 2-1, which remained the final score.

Indians were aggressive from the start of the game, which helped them earn a few penalty corners early on but they were unable to take advantage of them. As the game started, Malaysians were more interested in maintaining ball control.

India came back in the game and Mumtaz Khan scored an equaliser through a penalty corner as the first quarter ended with the score tied at 1-1. Malaysia switched to counter-attacking a few minutes into the game, and it paid off immediately as Dian Nazeri scored a goal to give her team the lead in the sixth minute.

In the second quarter, India came out swinging, and the strategy paid off as Deepika (26′) earned a penalty stroke and converted it to give her side in the lead. The Indians continued to attack in an effort to increase their advantage, but there were no more goals scored in the second period, and India led 2-1 at the interval.

India maintained control of the ball and severely troubled Malaysia’s defence in the third quarter to continue to dominate the contest. India led 2-1 going into the third quarter, however neither Malaysia nor India were able to score, and the game finished scoreless.

India, eager to hold onto their lead, concentrated on maintaining ball control in the last frame, while Malaysia stepped up their effort to draw even.

Indians, on the other hand, began to play a little more forcefully in order to ensure that Malaysia spent the most of their time defending rather than attacking, and the approach worked, as the dramatic game concluded 2-1.

On June 6th, India’s third Pool A matchup is against Korea.

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