Do You Have a Monsoon-Ready Car? Become Aware of These Crucial Insurance Add-On Covers

Car owners in India are preparing for the difficulties that will be presented by the monsoon’s torrential downpours. Many automobiles break down as a result of the frequent occurrence of flooded highways. Comprehensive automobile insurance plans could pay for natural disaster-related losses, but they often exclude coverage for things like engine failure that might be caused by floods or water blockage. It is essential to think about extra add-on policies to complement your comprehensive vehicle insurance plan in order to make sure your automobile is sufficiently equipped for the monsoon.

The following is a thorough list of extra coverings that may keep your car safe during the rainy season:

1) Engine Protection Cover: If you drive a vehicle with a low ground clearance, your engine may be seriously endangered by water infiltration. As water damage may result in gearbox problems or engine oil leaks, this add-on protection covers the expense of repairing or replacing engine components.

2) Roadside Assistance Coverage: Emergencies may happen at any time during a rainstorm. It may not be enough to depend simply on comprehensive auto insurance in cases of breakdowns or accidents. By choosing roadside assistance insurance, you may be confident that you’ll get prompt help, including towing, battery support, and fuel aid.

3) Consumables Cover: Typically, consumable items like screws, engine and gearbox oil, air filters, and nuts and bolts are not covered by comprehensive auto insurance plans. You may avoid paying for these things in the case of flood, storm, or cyclone-related disasters by adding the consumables add-on insurance.

4) Outstation Emergency insurance: During the rainy season, the outstation emergency insurance can help you if your automobile breaks down or is involved in an accident more than 100 kilometers from your home. It offers thorough outstation roadside assistance to make sure you have the help you need no matter where you are.

5) Return to Invoice Cover: Typical auto insurance plans pay you according to the vehicle’s identification number or estimated market value in the case of significant damages or a complete loss. However, if you choose the return to invoice cover, you will be given the whole amount shown on the bill or invoice for your automobile, including the road tax and registration fees.

6) Zero Depreciation Cover: Car insurance claims often take into consideration the components’ depreciation. However, if you have a zero depreciation cover, you may avoid the depreciation element and get full reimbursement for waterlogging-related repair costs. With the help of this insurance, you can be confident that the whole cost of repairs—excluding the value of depreciated auto parts—will be covered.




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