Indians Prefer Manual Cars Over Automatic: This Is Why

Even with the increasing dominance of automated gearbox technology, Indian vehicle buyers still choose manual transmissions.

The COVID-19 epidemic has increased public awareness of the value of individual mobility. Because manual transmissions are more difficult to operate, especially in crowded cities where changing speeds and using the clutch are often required, many buyers choose automobiles with automatic transmissions instead of manual ones.

However, the majority of passenger vehicle sales are still made up of automobiles with manual transmissions, even with advances in automated gearbox technology.

Despite the growing demand for automated transmissions, manual transmissions are still widely used in India for the following primary reasons:.

Since the Indian market is very price-sensitive, manufacturers find it expensive to produce and equip mass-market vehicles with dual-pedal technology due to the complexity of automatic transmissions.

An entry-level automobile with an automatic transmission costs around Rs 80,000 more than one with a manual gearbox. According to Spinny, this implies that the customer must spend more money on an AMT version of a vehicle than on a manual one.

Because of this, the automatic gearbox technology enhances the car’s sticker price, which in most instances results in increased insurance costs for the customer and makes the vehicle much more costly. This difference is noticeable in entry-level cars, which means that purchasing one will cost a buyer a lot of money. As a consequence, many customers will ultimately choose manual versions in order to save money on sticker prices and insurance premiums.

Furthermore, the cost of maintaining an automated gearbox automobile is higher than that of a manual gearbox car. Compared to manual gearboxes, automatic transmissions are constructed in a more intricate manner. As a consequence, the owner’s maintenance expenses increase, ultimately costing them much more for the duration of the car’s ownership.

Compared to automated gearboxes, manual gearbox technology has advanced and been around for longer. Customers definitely choose cars with manual gearboxes because they have a track record of reliability. Locating a technician for a manual gearbox is simpler than locating one for an automated gearbox in the case of a gearbox issue.

There are two frequent issues with automatic gearbox technology: overheating and jerky rides. When an automatic gearbox is used in heavy traffic, the driver must apply the brakes while in drive mode in order to slow down. This is known as transmission overheating. In contrast, this issue has no effect on a manual gearbox.

Finally, since manual transmissions synchronize man and machine and give the driver more control over the vehicle, many automobile owners prefer them. For this reason, vehicle aficionados choose manual gearboxes over automated ones. This is also the reason why a lot of sports car manufacturers equip their top-of-the-line vehicles with manual gearboxes.

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