Mercedes-Benz India CEO: “In the next three years, EVs will account for 25% of our sales in India”

Mercedes-Benz, a luxury automobile manufacturer with headquarters in Germany, is placing its bets on India’s growing electric vehicle market and forecasts that, up from the current levels of 3 to 4%, sales of its existing and future EV portfolio would account for 25% of all vehicle sales over the next three years.

Santosh Iyer, CEO and Managing Director of Mercedes-Benz India, said the company plans to launch three to four EVs in India over the course of the next 12 to 18 months. As reported by PTI, Iyer further said, “We believe that 25% of our sales in India over the next three years will be EVs.”


He said that converting to electric cars would be simpler for Mercedes-Benz owners since the majority of them already have charging stations at their homes or places of business and are not likely to depend on public charging stations. He hoped that some governments would eventually exclude this market from the road fee they still impose on EVs.


He also said that the German automaker’s 100-acre factory in Pune, which is located in India, has the ability to produce 20,000 vehicles annually with the potential to increase to 40,000. “At this time, the plant is receiving investments totaling around Rs 2,700 crore. In the next two to three years, we ought to reach these levels, he remarked.

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