New Tools Are Introduced By Air India To Lower Pilot Frustration

The main airline Air India has added a new element to its rostering system that will enable to prevent pilot fatigue in an effort to improve roaster stability and minimize delays.

The airline’s actions come at a time when pilot fatigue instances have suddenly increased as a result of the steady increase in air travel.

What the CEO of Air India Has to Say About New Tools

In response, Air India CEO Campbell Wilson said in his weekly message that the company has made several measures to increase the dependability of print roasters, lessen disruptions, use standby blocks, and create a reliable communication route.

In response to a question concerning safety precautions in airline operations, Wilson said, “We debuted Coruson a few weeks ago, followed by the Boeing Alertness Model (BAM)3, the fatigue mitigation mechanism in our Jeppesen rostering system, which will prohibit publishing fatigue-inducing rosters and pairings.

DocuNet and the Pilot Sector Report (PSR) app from Air India

Wilson said that the airline will also roll out the Pilot Sector Report (PSR) app and DocuNet, which together would alter the way the firm conducts its flights and the experience of its pilots by enhancing compliance, efficiency, and safety.

Wilson claims that the future technology DocuNet will simplify the transmission of documents. While the PSR app expedites post-flight reporting and ensures that it is coordinated and current. The CEO of Air India said that both solutions are very easy to use and would seamlessly integrate with the existing systems.


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