NITES contacts the Labour Ministry, accusing TCS of “unethical transfer practices”

The Ministry of Labor and Employment has been contacted by the IT workers’ union NITES (Nascent Information Technology Employees Senate) on Tata Consultancy Services’ alleged “unethical transfer practices” (TCS). The organization claimed to have received more than 180 complaints about the business “systematically forcing” workers to relocate to other places without giving them enough time to prepare or counsel.

According to a statement from NITES, the company has received over 180 complaints alleging that TCS has been “systematically forcing” more than 2,000 workers to relocate to various places without giving them enough warning or consulting them beforehand, putting them and their families through great hardship.

Pune-centered According to NITES, the corporation has informed the staff that noncompliance with the transfer instructions would lead to disciplinary procedures.

“We have serious concerns about Tata Consultancy Services’ unethical transfer procedures. NITES President Harpreet Singh Saluja said, “We have urged the Ministry of Labour and Employment to look into TCS’s actions and take appropriate measures to protect IT workers from such unethical practices.”

TCS “is putting its employees through unnecessary hardship and is violating their rights,” according to NITES.

It requested that the Ministry of Labour and Employment look into the company’s transfer policies to see whether labor laws are being broken, and if so, “take appropriate action” against the business.

“We urge the Ministry of Labour and Employment to look into TCS’s transfer policies right now and take necessary measures against the business. In a letter to Bhupender Yadav, the minister of labor and employment, NITES stated, “We further ask the ministry to develop new policies and regulations to safeguard IT workers against unethical transfer practices.”

NITES said that it would keep up the battle for IT workers’ rights and make sure that they are not the victims of immoral acts like forced transfers. NITES asserts that it speaks for all IT professionals in the country by concentrating its attention and efforts on safeguarding IT/ITES workers from a range of monetary, legal, labor, and social issues.

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