Release of Google Maps Easy-to-follow guidelines that may be glanced at: How it works and what it is

Google Maps New Features: To make navigation easier for users, Google Maps is always being improved with new features. “Glanceable directions,” one of the newest ones, provides turn-by-turn guidance and your estimated time of arrival directly on your lock screen.

What directions on Glanceable are?
In February, glanceable instructions were released. Without unlocking your phone, they provide you with crucial navigational information. Right on your lock screen or when you check your route, you may see your ETA and the next turn.

Accessibility and implementation
Glanceable instructions are gradually being made available by Google to iOS and Android users worldwide. If you are on iOS 6.104.2 or Android 11.116, you may begin to see this feature.

Important attributes and advantages
In-the-moment updates: You get the most recent information about your journey, including anticipated turns and ETA modifications.
Easy access: It’s safer and simpler to check your path without having to unlock your phone.
Overview of the route: Before you go off, you may check a summary of your route, which is useful in places you are acquainted with.
Automatic recalculation: Google Maps will automatically determine a new route for you if you stray from the path.
How to make Glanceable instructions available
Activate Glanceable instructions by:

Launch the Google Maps app.
Press the symbol associated with your profile.
Choose “Settings.”
Select “Navigation settings.”
Select “Glanceable directions while navigating.”
Additional novel aspects
Turn-by-turn instructions are shown in a 3D representation of your path with an immersive experience.
Lens in Maps: Provides information about landmarks and transportation stops using augmented reality and artificial intelligence.
Improvements to navigation: Google Maps now has better views and more information about roads and structures.
Stations for charging electric vehicles: You can now locate charging stations in your area along with details regarding charging speeds and compatibility.

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