Report: Today’s launch of a brand-new TVS electric scooter might be called the Xonic

New information regarding TVS’s impending electric scooter has been revealed. It will make its international debut in Dubai later today, on August 23. The most recent teaser, which TVS just shared on social media, provides a sneak glance at some of the expected features of the new electric scooter.

The forthcoming TVS e-scooter’s speedometer, which easily exceeds 100 kmph, is featured prominently in the teaser. The speedometer reaches 105 kmph as the teaser draws to a close before stabilizing.

The range estimate is just another nugget of information gained from the teaser. The display shows a range of 63 km when the battery is at a state of charge (SOC) of 60%. We’re looking at a potential range of 105 kilometers if we extrapolate this to 100%. This is within the capabilities of the iQube, albeit we anticipate a somewhat livelier performance.

The name of this forthcoming electric vehicle, Xonic, is clearly displayed at the bottom area of the electric scooter’s dashboard. Alternately, Xonic might stand for the name of the quickest riding mode offered by this new product.

The business recently unveiled a teaser that highlighted the display with a TFT screen. Through a succession of photos, this teaser provided views of the aforementioned screen.

Another teaser indicates the presence of music controls, which might enable Bluetooth interaction with cellphones. This inference is supported by the second teaser, in which TVS shows a picture of a wristwatch with buttons for the scooter. These buttons provide information on the two-wheeler’s linked features, including actions like locking and unlocking the under-seat storage, locking and unlocking the handlebars, and even remotely setting an alarm. The scooter’s alarm system may prevent theft or help locate it if its parking space is left unattended.

Customers must wait till the official launch to have a complete knowledge of the features and cost. Customers who have been waiting impatiently for the debut of this technologically superior scooter, based on the Creon idea, have been more interested in this upcoming launch. By enhancing their electric scooter capabilities, TVS will be able to more effectively compete in the rapidly growing market for electric scooters with rivals like Ola. With a wider selection of options, TVS hopes to meet the difficulties offered by new manufacturers and secure a bright future in the electric scooter market.


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