See What the Finance Secretary Has to Say About the Eighth Pay Commission

The 7th Pay Commission governs the compensation distribution to government workers. For years, they have all been anxiously awaiting the 8th Pay Commission. TV Somanathan, the finance secretary, has now spoken on the eighth pay commission.

According to him, there are no intentions by the federal administration to implement the eighth pay commission before to the next national elections in 2019. This implies that the wage increase for almost 54 lakh central government workers and pensioners would have to wait.

There have been rumors circulating that the Central Government intends to introduce the Eighth Pay Commission before to the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Political parties have been known to establish compensation commissions in advance of election years. The parties believe it may be a good strategy to win over family pensioners, members of the military services, and workers of the central government. Earlier, in 2013, the UPA administration implemented the 7th Pay Commission.

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