The EV policy could be renewed

Since the most recent policy’s draft is still pending, the wait for a new electric car policy is expected to lengthen. With just a few days remaining until its deadline, officials said that if the new policy is not implemented, the local administration would probably decide to extend the current one for a third time from its initial expiration date.
“There is still work to be done on many significant policy areas. The implementation would take some time, even if we inform it in some way, a senior official said.

The deadline for the previous policy’s prolongation is set to expire on December 31. “In order to preserve the progress we made in fostering an atmosphere that is conducive to the increasing sales of electric vehicles, plans have been initiated to reinstate the previous policy in such a scenario,” he said.

According to officials, the advantages that consumers get when they buy EVs will stop when the policy expires, which will have a detrimental effect on the atmosphere that was established to encourage the EV economy.
Because EVs are expensive, the government offers subsidies and incentives to encourage the purchase of these vehicles. People were quite interested in buying electric cars because of this. As a consequence, there was a 20% rise in EV sales in the first half of the current fiscal year. According to sources, the government will shortly receive a cabinet note that would reinstate the previous policy. Sources claim that the EV policy may be prolonged for a period of three to six months, during which time the new policy will be finalized and implemented.

The insurance would be extended for the third time; it was first set to expire in August of this year. On August 7, 2020, the Delhi EV Policy—which had its debut in August 2020—came to an end. This resulted in a two-day temporary suspension of all-electric car registrations in the Capital, which prompted the government to extend the policy’s provisions indefinitely. On October 23, it was once again extended to December 31.

Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot had previously said that Delhi EV policy 2.0 is nearing completion and would be announced “soon” after the required permissions, but he was also extending the previous policy. The municipal administration had anticipated that the new policy would be completed by the time the current one expires, but the work on it has been ongoing for a while. Sources said that nevertheless, once the L-G ordered the dismissal of all fellows and researchers, things changed. Following the L-G’s orders, everyone working on the project had to go. They said that it caused a delay in the completion schedule.

The first three-year policy went into effect in August 2020.
Sales of electric cars (EVs) have increased by about 20%.
The first extension of the August 7 policy
October 23 is the second extension of the policy.

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