According to Miley Cyrus, touring “isn’t healthy” for her

Since making her debut, singer-songwriter Miley Cyrus has had an incredibly successful career, but she acknowledges that the travelling aspect of her work “isn’t healthy” for her.

‘Mirror.co.uk’ claims that the ‘Wrecking Ball’ singer, whose renowned family includes pop artist dad Billy Ray Cyrus, first into the public eye in 2005 as the main character in Disney’s Hannah Montana before establishing herself in the music business.

She acknowledged that the travelling aspect of her work might be much better. Miley (30) said in a recent conversation she posted on her TikTok that her work as a cheerleader when she was younger helped prepare her for the life of traveling and discussed how it influenced her.

‘Mirror.co.uk’ cited her as stating, ‘Having the interaction between you and other people being subject and watched isn’t good for me because it erases my humanity and my connection. And because writing songs is my first objective, I can’t be a composer without my humanity and connection.

She also discussed the physical aspects of travelling, saying that as a tour progresses, her look changes significantly. The remarks followed her recent disclosure of their conflict with the late Sinead O’Connor.

In the opening scene of her own shot when Miley debuted the contentious track “Wrecking Ball” ten years ago, she paid homage to the “Nothing Compares 2 U” music video. Sinead, who passed away last month at the age of 56, responded to the touching homage by cautioning Miley against being sexualized in the music business.

Following the scenes, Sinead had sent an open letter to the actress in which she had stated: “The message you keep conveying is that it’s somehow okay to be a prostitute. Miley, that is just not cool. It is hazardous. You should tell your peers that you and they are worth more than what is happening in your career right now, I would advise you to do so.

As a result, Miley attacked Sinead. In retrospect, she has apologized for her remarks, saying that she was unaware of the star’s vulnerability at the time. The singer’s handling of the controversy, however, has drawn criticism from some fans, who wonder why Miley didn’t apologize for “making fun” of Sinead’s mental state.


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