According to vocalist Naveen Sajju, singing is harder than acting

Singing is harder than acting, according to playback singer Naveen Sajju, who just started acting as the lead in the Kannada TV series Chukki Taare. This is because singing requires more energy, particularly when you are choosing to be someone else’s voice. Similar to acting, singing is perhaps a little more difficult. You have to emote in front of the microphone and make sure you are really capturing the highs and lows of the song and the words, he advises.

Naveen remarks, “At first, I was sceptical about how people would accept me as an actor,” in reference to his appearance on the tiny screen.

However, because I’ve previously participated in a few video albums, I figured I should give it a go. But thus far, it’s been an amazing learning experience since I had to become well-versed in the technical elements of camera etiquette here. Naveen is also writing a narrative for his next album in addition to this. “I wrote six easy-listening tracks for the record, and I’ll be singing three of the tracks. In the near future, I hope that people will be more engaged with my other projects thanks to my small screen presence,” he continues.

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