Actress Shockingly Admits: “My Biggest Mistake was Getting Into a Relationship with Dhoni”

In the realm of cricket, MS Dhoni is a name without which Indian cricket’s history would be without. Mahendra Singh Dhoni has improved Indian cricket’s standing abroad. When Dhoni is on the field, the other team’s breath seems to halt. Dhoni used to routinely make news for reasons unrelated to his performance in games. Even though MS Dhoni is often praised for his good manners, one actress once said that her relationship with Dhoni was her worst mistake.

Dhoni now has a happy life with his wife Sakshi Rawat; they have a kid called Ziva. Dhoni’s name has been associated with other well-known ladies before he wed Sakshi. One of these people was the South Indian actress Raai Lakshmi, who in one of her interviews made a shocking comment regarding Dhoni. Raai Lakshmi said that her connection with Dhoni was her biggest regret and expressed sadness for having done so. The South Indian actress Raai Laxmi, who was often seen with Dhoni in 2009, dated him at one point. Raai Lakshmi freely revealed their connection on several occasions, however Dhoni remained silent about his friendship with her.

After she and Dhoni split up, this actress expressed her sadness and said that falling in love with Dhoni was her worst mistake. Many people at one point connected Lakshmi’s name to Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Lakshmi confirmed that she and Dhoni were dating in 2009, in contrast to Dhoni, who kept their connection a secret. Lakshmi’s name has been associated with Dhoni ever since. Lakshmi said that even now, whenever people talk about Dhoni’s life, her name always comes up. Although Dhoni and Lakshmi’s romance was short-lived, their names continue to be spoken together in passing. This has had an effect on Lakshmi’s film career and is throwing a pall over her future. She regrets her friendship with Dhoni as a consequence.


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