Angelina Jolie Disapproves of Hamas and the IDF for the Israel-Palestine War

Actress Angelina Jolie denounced the terrorist group Hamas and the Israeli Defense Forces for their recent attacks that have devastated Gaza and brought about a dangerous state of affairs for the whole globe.

“Like millions around the world, I have spent the last few weeks sick and angry at the terrorist attack in Israel, the death of so many innocent civilians, and wondering how best to help,” the Oscar-winning actress said on Instagram.

“I am also praying for the safe and prompt release of all hostages as well as for the families who must endure the unspeakable grief of losing a loved one. The children who were killed and the large number of orphaned children come first.

The actress from “Girl Interrupted” went on, “What occurred in Israel is a terror act. However, it does not excuse the death toll from bombing Gaza’s civilian population, which has nowhere to go, no access to food or water, no chance of evacuation, and not even the fundamental human right to cross a border in search of safety.

The actress has supported humanitarian issues as a human activist for more than 20 years. Along with her work with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, she has advocated globally for those who have been forcefully displaced.

The “Original Sin” actress began serving as a UN goodwill ambassador in 2001 and was appointed as a special envoy in 2012. The Hollywood Reporter claims that the actress opted to leave her position with the UNHCR last year, stating that she wanted to focus on a broader range of humanitarian and human rights concerns.

In her statement, Jolie said, “My focus is on the people displaced by violence in any context.” “Over two million people (half of whom are children) live in Gaza, where they have experienced decades of displacement and statelessness in addition to a harsh blockade that has lasted for almost two decades.”

She went on to say, “The bombs are creating severe new humanitarian needs everyday, and the few relief trucks that are entering are a fraction of what is required (and was provided daily before the current war).

“A people are being punished collectively when they are denied fuel, water, and help. An urgent ceasefire is required by humanity. The lives of Israelis and Palestinians, as well as all people worldwide, are equally important, she said.

Thousands have died in the battle that has erupted to terrible proportions since the terror organization from Palestine began attacking Israel on October 7. Israel has closed off the Gaza Strip and launched airstrikes in retaliation for the incident.

Additionally, the country’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has said that he intends to destroy all of Gaza, therefore the IDF has escalated its bombings and is now attacking the region nonstop. In addition, the IDF is carrying out ground operations, taking part in precision attacks, and focusing on several Hamas outposts in order to cut off their supply routes and remove their leaders.


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