Calisthenics was a part of Adarsh Gourav’s expert-approved fitness routine for his on-screen transformation

Perfect physical makeovers are not achieved quickly; rather, a great deal of deliberate work is done in the background. When it comes to changing into a character, celebrities are surely familiar with the process, and Adarsh Gourav is the most recent star to inspire us all.

Adarsh Gourav’s improvement in terms of fitness for Zoya Akhtar’s most recent film, Kho Gaye Hum Kahaan, is extremely impressive. The actor portrays a teenage calisthenics teacher, and his physical attributes support that. Adarsh’s trainer for the film was Robin Behl, co-founder of The Tribe, who provided details on his training regimen.
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The expert said that Adarsh trained using a regimen that consisted of 80% calisthenics and skill work to increase his body’s power and appearance. Body weight is essentially used in calisthenics exercises to develop strength. Here, you may increase your strength by using your body weight. It includes workouts including planks, parallel bar dips, pull-ups, and push-ups. According to his trainer, Adarsh’s defined appearance took around four months to achieve, and the difficulty was to maintain this physique for the remaining eight to nine months of the filming time. “We pushed his body fat percentage to 8 to get him the desired look for his character,” Robin says.

His diet and exercise worked together to provide the intended effects.

Under the guidance of exercise nutritionist Mishti Khatri, his diet plan complemented his training regimen. “We would work in sync with each other to give Adarsh the desired body,” his trainer said. Adarsh is a vegetarian, however in order to obtain this physique, he switched to a non-vegetarian diet from our starting 3,400 calories. We would maintain complete harmony between his training and diet to help him gain muscle and recuperate.”

All the motivation we need comes from Adarsh Gourav’s fitness game.

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