Festive Frenzy by Akash Choudhary: Garba Beats To ‘Dhunuchi’ Dance In Durga Puja Pandals

Akash Choudhary, the actor of “Bhagya Lakshmi” fame, revealed his opinions on the Navratri and Durga Puja holidays, admitting he has attempted the dhunuchi dance and is looking forward to the special fasting foods.

Maa Durga’s holy presence permeates the atmosphere as Navratri ushers in the festive season, and preparations are on for the Garba and Dandiya evenings.

Speaking about the same, Akash said: “My family holds Durga Puja and Navratri in a special place in our hearts. These holidays have always been observed with a tremendous amount of fervor and dedication, as far back as I can remember.

The actor recalled the customs in his family, stating, “Every year, without fail, my mother observes a nine-day fast in order to pray for the welfare of our family. We used to have a big party in our hamlet when I was a kid, where my paternal grandparents resided.

“We once made our idol, called Jhanji. The pleasure of carefully shaping and embellishing it at home was fantastic. We would carry the idol to a rural lake on the day of immersion, creating beautiful memories that I still treasure,” he said.

Akash stated, remembering his early years, “These holidays were some of the most celebrated in our family. We would begin planning days beforehand. I was tasked as a young kid with adorning the family temple and gathering all the required puja samagri.

“I used to read from the pooja book when my mother and I did the nightly aarti. These lovely memories are still deeply ingrained in my heart, and I still periodically long for those times. Our family’s customs haven’t changed as we’ve aged.

However, Akash has now adjusted to a different Mumbai holiday.

Now that we live in Mumbai, we have become used to a new style of celebration, he said. We go to authentic Durga Puja and Navratri Garba celebrations. Every chance I have, I go to the pandals for darshan and to experience the festive atmosphere.

The actress also emphasized the value of traditional clothing, adding, “We preserve tradition faithfully. Tradition plays a key part during Durga Puja. During these occasions, it is essential to wear new clothing. Old clothing is not permitted.

We used to anxiously choose new kurta pajamas in the past. But now that I work in Mumbai’s glitzy and lively sector, I like dressing in traditional garb with a modern touch. For me, it’s an opportunity to embrace a classic aesthetic that is simple but bright,” he remarked.

The actor said, “The festival calls for comfortable clothing, especially when dancing during Dandiya and Garba events, so I choose straightforward, solid-colored kurtas and add a touch of style with accessories.”

While Akash may not always participate owing to his busy schedule, he highlighted his passion for the festive environment by adding, “I thoroughly enjoy visiting Garba pandals.” Durga Puja and Navratri are famed for their colourful dances, cuisine, and culture. Simply said, it’s impossible to resist the rhythms and the lively environment. I also make it a point to go to pandals during Bengali Durga Puja.

“At one point, I even gave the dhunuchi dance a go; it was an unforgettable strange experience. I’m looking forward to the special meals during fasting, like kutuki pakoris, kachoris, sabudana khichdi, and others.

“Durga Puja and Navratri are more than just holidays in our household. They weave tradition, dedication, and happiness together like a lovely tapestry. The blending of the ancient and the modern during these festivals results in priceless memories that we will pass down through the generations, Akash said.

Akash is presently concentrating his professional efforts on brand alliances with clothing brands.

In addition, he is assiduously working toward his goal of starting his own production business, which he hopes to publicly announce by the end of this year.

In the television show “Bhagya Lakshmi” on Zee TV, he is now portraying Viraj Singhania, Malishka’s previous fiancĂ© and best friend.


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