Karina from Aespa apologizes to her fans after confirming rumors that she was dating Lee Jae Wook

K-pop sensation Karina and actor Lee Jae Wook recently acknowledged their relationship after rumors about it got out. The details of their intimate connection were verified by their respective agencies. The Vespa singer has finally taken the opportunity to personally address her followers with a sincere apology for the relationship disclosures, after almost a week of speculation. Karina apologized in a handwritten letter to her fan base, MYs, on Tuesday, March 5, for maybe surprising and disappointing them with the news.

First of all, I’m sorry for shocking you so much. I feel extremely careful around the MYs, who must have been shocked, which is why I ended up [writing this] late. I understand that the MYs who have stood with me so far must be quite disappointed, and I also know that they are experiencing distress as a result of remembering our previous exchanges of words. A portion of the message said, “I feel even more guilty since I, too, understand those sentiments all too well.

Along with her heartfelt apologies, Karina said she was sorry it took so long to write the letter and that she thought her followers would be shocked by the information.

“As soon as possible, I want to fill up the gaps left by MYs who have suffered injuries. I have always been honest with MYs, and I still really value each and every one of you. I appreciate you reading my letter, even if it may not be long enough to convey all of my emotions. I want to work even more in my activities and in the future, I want to show you a more mature side without disappointing you,” she said.

Support for the Aespa star was also evident from fans who posted in the comment area. Many more also left the newlyweds with their love and best wishes.

Karina and Lee Jae Wook made their romance public earlier in February. The two are still getting to know one another, according to the K-drama star’s agency, C-JeS Studios, which also urged fans to respect his privacy.

The same was reiterated in a statement sent by Karina’s agency, SM Entertainment. This happened just after a Dispatch story said that the two had first connected at the Milan Prada Fashion Show and then began dating.

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