Online memes are sparked by Bradley Cooper’s moving Leonard Bernstein interview

Bradley Cooper recently spoke out about how much he missed the late Leonard Bernstein and shared moving details about their relationship while shooting “Maestro.” The emotional chat did not, however, go down well with the internet community, who thought Cooper was being ridiculous and questioned his emotional connection to someone he had never seen in person.

In the highly regarded movie “Maestro,” Bradley Cooper, who portrays Leonard Bernstein, spoke candidly about his deep bond with the late composer on CBS. He said that while the film was being filmed, even Bernstein’s kids became close to him. Cooper was having difficulty putting into words the special affinity they had when discussing his emotional attachment.

After the interview’s viral video became viral, social media users expressed a range of emotions on different platforms. While some admirers admitted that Bradley Cooper would mourn the fictitious character he played, others thought it strange that Cooper would associate himself with a person who died in 1990 but whom he had never seen in person.
Bradley’s comment, “We shared something very special,” was questioned by online users. One user brought out the difficulty of forging a parasocial bond with a historical person. Online people shared memes that showed their disgust at Cooper’s personal confessions.

He may be missing the fictitious persona he played for months as an actor, but I think he also misses the actual person he spent a lot of time studying. I don’t mind if things get a little…complex. However? “We shared something special”—what do you mean?
In particular, the actor’s tears in front of Bernstein’s kids caused discomfort for the critics. Different viewpoints were expressed in the online discussion; some defended Cooper’s emotional attachment to the role he played, while others thought it strange and disapproved of the emotional outburst.
He’s acting like this in front of his children 😭😭?

— Bridget, February 24, 2024 (@gothamcitygf)

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