“Rise of social media led to increase in online trolling…” : Ayushmann, MD

The actor Ayushmann Khurrana has advanced in his support of the creation of a secure online environment for all users, particularly kids.

“We must make sure kids can use the internet to its full potential because it’s a really useful tool. In a statement, he added, “They can use the internet to explore job opportunities, learn about the world, pick up new hobbies, improve their skills, and harness its potential safely and securely.”
“The popularity of social media and cellphones has increased online trolling, which often has a negative impact on children’s self-esteem and mental health.It’s critical that we teach and make our kids aware of the need of maintaining good online hygiene in order to both prevent online harassment and bullying and to remain safe from it when it occurs. The actor said, “It is crucial to make sure our kids have the confidence to tell a trusted adult—a parent, family member, or teacher—if they are being bullied online.
Additionally, Ayushmann discussed his opinions on how parents need to raise their kids in the digital era.
“From an early age, children are use the internet extensively. Every facet of their existence involves the internet, whether it friendships, education, or leisure. Building trust with our children is our duty as elders; trust is a two-way street where children feel comfortable approaching adults or guardians for help when they need it, and adults or guardians feel comfortable approaching the children when they need it. But in the long run, as parents and elders, we must approach these matters with patience, focus, and trust. Without fear of shame, we should seek professional assistance for children when necessary,” he said.
Regarding his career, Ayushmann is looking forward to the release of his next projects this year.
In 2024, he plans to investigate a “number of genres,” according to him.
In 2024, I want to explore a wide range of genres. As always, my film schedule will be very varied and will only concentrate on giving viewers an excellent theater experience. The actor has said, “I’m currently locking some interesting films that one will love watching in theaters with the entire family.”

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