Shamita Shetty will have surgery since she has endometriosis: Pay attention to your body

Mumbai, 14 May Based on her social media video, actress Shamita Shetty was diagnosed with endometriosis and was brought to the hospital. She is scheduled for surgery.

Shamita came to Instagram, where she could be seen discussing endometriosis, a condition in which uterine lining tissue develops outside of the uterus.

Shamita is seen in a hospital bed in the video, which was taken by her sister Shilpa Shetty. Shilpa remarks, “What a view… Waah, Kya hua hai.”

“I have endometriosis; I had no idea what it was,” replies Shamita. Please do some research about endometriosis, ladies. You must understand the nature of this issue.

Then Shilpa asks, “Why should they know?” To which Shamita responds, “Because it is painful and you probably have it and don’t even know you have it.” It’s not comfy.

Then, before the procedure, Shilpa asks her sister if she has “any last words.”

Shilpa ended the video with the words “swasth raho mast raho,” after Shamita explained that physical suffering had a purpose and advised viewers to “listen to their bodies.”

“Did you know that almost 40% of women suffer from endometriosis, and most of us are unaware of this disease?” is what Shamita wrote as the caption.

“I want to thank both of my doctors—my general practitioner, Dr. Sunita Banerjee, and my gynecologist, Dr. Neeta Warty—for not giving up until they determined the source of my pain,” she said.

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