Speaking up about being “misunderstood” amid rumors of her and Ben Affleck getting divorced

In the midst of circulating rumors regarding her relationship with Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez has come out and said that she feels “misunderstood at times,” comparing her feelings to those of her character in the forthcoming science fiction movie “Atlas.”

During the film’s Los Angeles premiere, Lopez said in an interview with People magazine, “We are so different because she, like, doesn’t wear any of her emotions.” She seems so withdrawn, and sometimes I become too attached to her.”

She went on to consider the confidence and strength of her character, saying, “At times. Though sometimes she felt misunderstood, she was absolutely certain. That also somehow resonates with me.” The 54-year-old actress made her comments amid continuous rumors over her connection to Affleck, whom she wed in July 2022.

According to recent Page Six stories, Affleck went home looking in Los Angeles at the same time as Lopez went house hunting by herself.

Insiders have confirmed, nevertheless, that Lopez’s property hunt has nothing to do with divorce rumors and that she is instead thinking about investing options.

Additionally, sources said that marital problems had been simmering for a few months, and that recent developments had fueled rumors of a divorce.

The rumors were heightened by Lopez’s social media behavior, which included “liking” an Instagram post regarding toxic relationship characteristics.

Furthermore, an individual close to Affleck disclosed that he was reevaluating their marriage and conveying feelings of disappointment.

According to insiders, Affleck perceives Lopez’s lack of fulfillment as a major problem in their relationship.

Recent appearances by Lopez by herself, such as her participation at the “Atlas” premiere while sporting her wedding ring, have only served to heighten rumors, especially because Affleck was preoccupied with shooting duties.

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