This day marks the rerelease of Dhanush’s first international film with Tamil dubbing

The action movie The Gray Man, directed by the Russo Brothers, was Dhanush’s major worldwide breakthrough, although it wasn’t his first foreign picture. Dhanush appeared in his first overseas production in 2018, Ken Scott’s English film The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir. The film tackles the subject of immigration worldwide, presenting it in a favorable light. The narrative starts in India and follows Ajatashatru Lavash Patel, the main character, as he travels to a number of places, including Paris, London, and Libya. It also sheds light on the difficulties faced by immigrants throughout the globe.

First published in France in 2018, it was also released on June 21, 2019 in India, the UK, the USA, Canada, Singapore, and Malaysia. Despite the favorable reviews that The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir garnered from all sectors, the decision was made to dub the film in Tamil and distribute it in Tamil Nadu because of Dhanush’s widespread popularity among the Tamil-speaking diaspora.

In the first quarter of 2020, the Tamil version of Pakkiri was released in theaters; however, by that time, the COVID-19 epidemic had already swept over the globe. Pakkiri saw little foot traffic as a result of the lockdown and the severe restrictions placed on citizens, since few people went to the movie theaters to view films.

As a result, four years after its first release, Pakkiri is being rereleased in theaters with the hopes of outperforming its previous run. The movie was released by Sasikanth’s Y Not Studio in 2020. The movie is being released this time by AP International. On March 22, it will open in theaters.

Dhanush also recently experienced the re-release of his 2012 movie 3, which returned to theaters in November of the previous year. With 3 making a comeback to theaters after more than a decade, it was a significant cultural event that sparked the same feelings it had twelve years before. Enthusiastic moviegoers from all over the country descended to theaters to see the rebirth as well as to relive the emotions that the movie had evoked over the course of the preceding ten years.

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