Tiffany Haddish, who has been celibate for months, maintains that she is “still dating.”

May 23, Los Angeles The actress Tiffany Haddish said that while she is sober, she has not given up on relationships.

“I continued dating. I’m simply not having sex, you know? She said, “I love a free meal,” to Extra, according to femalefirst.co.uk.

Haddish said that, after her decision to give up alcohol following her arrest on suspicion of DUI in November 2023, her sobriety is “going pretty good”.

According to the ‘Girls Trip’ actress, she would only relapse into alcohol use if she gets engaged and wants her partner to see “how crazy I get just for one day.”

The actress said, “I don’t drink alcohol. Unless I am engaged and can show him how insane I go even for a day, I will never do it again.

“I don’t want to do it because it feels wonderful to wake up in the morning without having to deal with scorching knees, painful elbows, or searing kinks in my ankles. Absence of inflammation

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