Varrdhan Harsh Following vicious trolling, Kapoor tries to explain his post urging people to “Stop Wearing Fake Sneakers” by saying, “Everytime I Say”

Trolls started targeting Harsh Vardhan Kapoor after he urged men to “stop wearing fake sneakers” in his Instagram Story. ‘Bhavesh Joshi Superhero’ actor criticized online for speaking from a position of privilege. In an effort to explain his remarks, Harsh claimed that his audience was made up entirely of “sneaker enthusiasts” because of the nature of his article.

“Friends can you like… stop being poor and buy some money??!” read the comment on a user’s post of Harsh Varrdhan’s Instagram story on X. (sic).” He said, “When I put this out I already knew people who don’t know people would come after me etc. but the truth is I’ve been doing this for a long time and reps of hyped shoes are more expensive than say a pair of converse old skool vans or used air forces etc.”

A lot of my followers are (sneaker) aficionados or are trying to collect, and that’s the audience I’m speaking to, he said. “I know every time I say something there will be people on social media who don’t know anything about footwear etc. going crazy,” he continued. You may now keep losing your mind here to temporarily feel happy.

If you have a low or moderate budget, Harsh has previously urged his Instagram followers to wear Converse and Basic Air Force shoes rather than imitation sneakers.

I’m not sure who needs to read this, but I beg you to quit wearing phony shoes. If you have a low or moderate budget, there are many excellent solutions available. If someone gives you counterfeit Converse vans, basic air force, etc., you may give them to someone else who doesn’t know what they are and would be thrilled to wear them, but if you’re purchasing your own, please do your own research and only purchase from reputable merchants.

“Also really hope more men/boys look into how they dress and invest well in what they wear.. again doesn’t have to be expensive tons and tons of cheap options out there.. but no point wearing a really expensive pair of shoes if you don’t know how to put the rest of it together tbh,” he continued when discussing men’s fashion. When we talk about the culture, whether it be sneaker culture or street culture or whatever, it’s not about clout it’s about your own individuality uniqueness and about how your outfit and choices speak for you and what they represent (Indian flag emoticon). There is information everywhere and access don’t be lazy… look into it and learn it can be a lot of fun.

On the professional front, Harsh Varrdhan most recently appeared in the Netflix movie “Thar.” In the Bollywood movie “Mirzya,” he starred alongside Saiyami Kher.

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