While on the 28th floor, SS Rajamouli’s son claims they survived the earthquake in Japan. “Ground Began to Shift”

On Thursday, March 21, there was an earthquake in Japan that affected SS Rajamouli and his son, SS Karthikeya. According to reports, an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.3 struck Japan. Karthikeya spoke about the event and posted a photo of his wristwatch with the earthquake alarm on X, the former name of Twitter. Karthikeya shared a photo of himself and producer Shobu Yarlagadda, tagging SS Rajamouli and saying that the RRR crew was on the 28th level when the earthquake occurred.

“I just felt a freaking earthquake in Japan!!!” We were on the 28th floor when the ground began to tremble gently. It took us some time to realize that there had been an earthquake. Just when I was ready to lose it, every Japanese person in the area remained still as if it had just begun to rain! Discover how an earthquake box is ticked. ✅,” said SS Karthikeya.

Fans expressed worry about the post. For them and their safe return to India, many people prayed. “I’m relieved everyone is safe. Please exercise caution today as there may be aftershocks,” a fan said. I’m relieved you’re secure. Someone else said, Please keep being cautious. A third admirer said, “I’m glad to hear you’re safe. Enjoy the remainder of your stay!”

Japan has shown Rajamouli and RRR a great deal of affection. When the movie was first released in the nation, it became an enormous success, and ever since then, fans have shown their support and affection for the director. Recently, Rajamouli, Karthikeya, and Shobu arrived in Japan for a special RRR screening. They have also been providing information on Rajamouli’s next movie, SSMB 29, which has Mahesh Babu in the main role, while they are in town.

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