Because of the intense heat, there is a higher risk of “eye stroke.” Learn how to enhance your vision

This season, Mercury is flying high. In it, everything is burning, including people and wood. 75% of individuals suffer from dehydration. India accounts for one out of every five deaths caused by heat waves. There is a high warning for hospitals. Heatwaves are becoming a major concern for medical professionals. The good news is that, and this is very crucial, individuals are altering their habits to prevent it. because there is now a twofold increased chance of being sick from intense heat.

Heat has raised the danger of harm to the intestines, kidneys, lungs, liver, and eyes, in addition to the heart and brain. The eyeballs, which come into close contact with heated air, are the most sensitive of these. People take various precautions to stay out of the heat, but since they don’t know enough, they often neglect to use eye protection.

This explains the abrupt rise in instances of inflammation in the eye’s corneal cells. “Eye stroke” is becoming more common. Heat causes blood clots to develop on the retina. It causes the oxygen in the eyes to cease flowing. The retina is being harmed as a result. In any case, maintaining eye health is crucial. Since the eyes are affected by every illness in the body,. Diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and stress all deteriorate vision in addition to their effects on the heart and kidneys.

Hospital admissions for blood pressure and sugar disorders have risen as a result of the heat. The chance of developing glaucoma has also risen in such circumstances. Myopia and cataracts are already major issues. In this intense heat, how might yoga and Ayurveda safeguard our eye health? Tell us about it, Swami Ramdev.

Recognizing an eye attack caused by heat stroke
Cell inflammation in the cornea
enlargement of the eyes
eyes that are dry
thrombi in the retina
oxygen not reaching the eyes

Grey patches floating about your eye are one of the symptoms of an ocular stroke.
Vision blurring: This occurs when one or both sides of the eye’s vision become blurry.

Loss of vision: sometimes, eyesight may abruptly or gradually fade.
Pain and pressure: While an ocular stroke usually doesn’t hurt, there is sometimes a possibility of experiencing eye pressure.

Bleeding: Blood clots or red patches may appear on your retina.
How to get better vision
Spend 30 minutes each morning and evening practicing pranayama.
Seven times, do Anulom-Vilom-Bhramari
‘Mahatriphala Ghrita’ should be consumed.
Sip amla-aloe vera juice.
Consume figs and raisins.
Consume 7-8 soaked almonds.
Consume sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach, carrots, and strawberries.
If you take off your spectacles, what should you eat?
You need to take some sugar, fennel, and almonds. Make a powder out of it and have it with some warm milk at night.

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