ICMR recommendation: swap out fizzy drinks in your diet with fresh fruit juices

Soft drinks, sometimes referred to as carbonated beverages, are a preferred option for many individuals, particularly when it comes to sating desires or slake thirst. But because of their high sugar, calorie, and artificial additive content, these drinks have a significant role in the development of conditions including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

In reality, daily intake of carbonated drinks might result in a number of health hazards, as per a new recommendation issued by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). But fear not—there is an easy fix: include fresh fruit juices into your diet in place of fizzy drinks. Let’s examine the ICMR recommendation in more detail and see why this change is good for your general health.
Why are carbonated drinks bad for your health?
High amounts of sugar are found in carbonated drinks, mainly in the form of artificial sweeteners or fructose corn syrup. One of the main contributors to obesity is added sugar, which increases our intake of empty calories without supplying any necessary nutrients. Moreover, type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance might result from consuming too much sugar.

Additionally, artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives are added to them. Numerous health problems, including headaches, allergic responses, and in some instances, cancer, have been connected to these compounds. Furthermore, since they include citric and phosphoric acids, carbonated drinks have a high acidity level. This acidity raises the possibility of dental issues and erodes tooth enamel.

Fresh fruit juices, on the other hand, are created from real fruit and don’t include any artificial or added sugar. They are abundant in vital vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help strengthen your defenses against illness and strengthen your immune system. Additionally, the natural sugars in fruits don’t do as much damage as the additional sugars in fizzy drinks.

The significance of maintaining a sufficient water intake
ICMR rules state that seventy percent of our body weight is made up of water. It is essential for the removal of waste products from the body and controlling body temperature. An average, healthy individual should have eight glasses of water a day, or almost two liters, including drinks.

Tender coconut water’s advantages
A fantastic source of hydration, tender coconut water has 15 kcal per 100ml and many minerals. However, the ICMR dietary recommendation states that tender coconut water should be avoided by individuals who are susceptible to hyperkalemia (in renal and cardiac problems).

Substitutes for artificial beverages
Drinks like coconut water, buttermilk, lemon water, and full fruit juice (without added sugar) are great substitutes for artificially sweetened beverages.

juices made from fresh fruit
Fruit juices are often made from lemon, orange, mango, grape, pineapple, pomegranate, apple, etc. Fresh fruit juices include vital nutrients and vitamins.

Crucial rules
Consume sufficient amounts of clean water to fulfill your daily fluid needs.
When there is any uncertainty about the safety of the water, boil it.
Eat fruit that is fresh instead than juiced.
Drinking lemon water, coconut water, buttermilk, etc. is preferred in hot weather.
Water should not be substituted with artificial beverages.
Steer clear of booze.
Therefore, the next time you grab for a soft drink, consider the potential long-term health consequences and choose fresh fruit juice instead. Your body will appreciate you for this little but important dietary adjustment.

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