In Mumbai, skin disease cases rise as temperatures rise

In addition to dehydration, stomach issues, and muscular spasms, Mumbai’s intense heat is also contributing to skin-related illnesses in individuals. The majority of individuals have begun to experience skin issues including acne, pimples, hyperpigmentation, rashes, sweating boils, and burning sensations on the skin.

It is imperative that you see a dermatologist and take the best possible care of your skin right now. The intense heat. Dermatologists elaborate more.

Common summertime skin conditions
Dermatologist and cosmetologist Dr. Shareefa Chause of Shareefa’s Skin Care Clinic said, “There was no surge in skin-related diseases during the pandemic because the citizens were home-bound due to lockdown.” But after the epidemic, individuals went back to their regular lives, which included going to work, attending parties and social events, and taking vacations. Contagious skin illnesses have significantly increased as a result of this. Because of the extreme heat starting in April, there is a 40% increase in skin conditions.

Chause claims that complaints of sweat boils, fungal infections, flare-ups of psoriasis and eczema, rashes, acne, burning and itching of the skin, hyperpigmentation, pimples, ringworm (tinea corporis), and athlete’s foot are coming from individuals of all ages.

The symptoms of these skin disorders often include genital rashes, toenail fungus, yeast infections, dryness, itching, and cracking between the toes.

The body tends to sweat a much when the ambient temperature and humidity are higher. Sweat traps moisture in the body, making people vulnerable to a number of skin conditions. Summertime sun is so intense that it may result in burnt rashes and red spots. Tanning is yet another issue that many individuals often encounter. Bacterial infections not only cause athlete’s foot, ringworm, rashes, acne, pimples, and boils, but they may also cause mental distress. Bacteria like Staphylococcus and Streptococcus cause bacterial skin illnesses such cellulitis, impetigo, and folliculitis. The most susceptible age groups for skin infections are adults and children, says dermatologist Dr. Surbhi Deshpande of Zynova Shalby Hospital.

How to prevent skin infections
“Shower twice a day,” advises Chause. If taking a bath is not an option, use a moist towel to clean the body. After a swim or exercise, change out of your wet clothing and towel off right after. Keep yourself clean, and only use rashes dusting powder or other items like moisturizers, lotions, and creams after speaking with a doctor. For athlete’s foot and ringworm, antifungal creams, ointments, gels, sprays, or powders may be utilized.
For hyperpigmentation, use sunscreen with at least SPF 30, take off makeup before bed, and dress in full-sleeved cotton clothing to avoid sunburn and tanning.

One may lessen the effects of tanning by using techniques like chemical peels and laser skin rejuvenation under the guidance of a qualified and experienced dermatologist. Use the face wash and treatments that the professionals prescribe to treat acne and pimples.

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