Study: Eating non-vegetarian food more than three times a week might lead to serious health issues

Food preferences vary from person to person. Some people consume a lot of spicy food, while others choose to keep things mild. Did you know, however, that eating spicy non-vegetarian cuisine more than three days a week might result in a number of health issues? People who consume a lot of red meat and processed meat have a greater chance of acquiring colon cancer, according a new study by experts at the University of Oxford.

A study found that persons who consume red and processed meat at least three times each week are more likely to develop nine different illnesses. Let’s look at it.

  1. Digestive disorders

Numerous digestive issues result from consuming non-vegetarian cuisine more often than three times per week. Its protein concentration is far more than what the body needs, which makes digestion challenging. Additionally, it can result in acidity and constipation, which might in turn result in other digestion-related issues.

2. Estimated Life Reduction

Studies suggest that eating non-vegetarian meals regularly may shorten one’s life expectancy. In comparison to non-vegetarian food eaters, vegetarians are predicted to live longer.

3. Illnesses Related to Health

The cholesterol in red meat may cause fat (cholesterol) to build up in the veins and arteries, obstructing blood flow and leading to serious health issues like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), hypertension (increased blood pressure), cardiac arrest, atherosclerosis, etc.

4. Resistance to antibiotics

Animals are grown in unsanitary ways on farms. Several medications, including antibiotics, are often given to these agricultural animals as part of routine care. The food chain and the body of someone who takes these antibiotics might become contaminated. This might cause serious immunity-related issues.

5. Imbalance in Hormones

A steroid hormonal imbalance may arise from eating a lot of meat since it increases cholesterol absorption.

6. Cancer and Red Meat

The Oxford research suggests that eating a lot of red meat may increase your risk of developing many cancers, including those of the prostate, breast, kidney, and digestive system. The consumption of red meat and highly processed meat is strongly associated with colon cancer across all cancer types.

7. Heart conditions

Consuming processed meat products raises your risk of heart disease, according to research. Regular meat consumption may increase the chance of developing heart disease.

8. Obesity

The consumption of red and processed meat has been connected in the research to obesity. The high calorie and protein content is the main cause of rapid weight gain. Nevertheless, despite eating more meat, several studies found that people were losing weight.

9. Diabetes Type II

According to the research, there is a considerable risk of developing type II diabetes if one eats a lot of red meat on a regular basis.


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