Taking Care Of Your Urinary Bladder: 7 Healthy Habits

The urinary bladder, which is in charge of both storing and excreting pee, is one of our body’s essential organs. It is crucial to keep your bladder healthy if you want to avoid urinary tract infections (UTIs) and other associated issues. Typically, women experience these issues more often. It’s crucial to adopt good behaviors that support the health of the urinary bladder and tract. Let’s examine a few of them.

Do not hold back urination.

Your bladder has to be emptied promptly. Whatever you are doing, you should stop what you are doing as soon as you feel the need to urinate. A person should ideally urinate every two to three hours. While holding your urination could be necessary in certain circumstances, it’s recommended to avoid doing so for too long. Holding your pee too long might mess up your regular urination pattern and put your kidneys at risk for infection.

unhurried urination

It’s important to maintain your calm when urinating. When urinating, tension and stress may prevent the entire ejection of urine, which might result in kidney issues. Ensure your comfort and allow your pelvic muscles to relax when urinating.

keep yourself hydrated

Your body’s organs’ general health depends on proper hydration. Drink two to three liters of water each day. Fruit juices and soups may be used to make up for a deficiency in water consumption.

Limit your caffeine consumption.

Cold drinks, tea, and coffee that include caffeine have diuretic characteristics that increase urine frequency.

Avoid smoking

Smoking is bad for your health. Additionally, it irritates the bladder, which might result in frequent urine desires.

adding kegel exercises

You must include kegel exercises, sometimes referred to as pelvic floor exercises, in your everyday practice. These exercises should be done twice a day for best results.

Don’t apply abdominal pressure

Avoid pressing on the abdomen if you can. Obesity, a persistent cough, and constipation are among factors that may put strain on the bladder and harm its health. You may prevent health problems and stay active by keeping your weight within a healthy range.


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