Uncovering Pistachios’ Nutritious Potential on World Hypertension Day

American pistachios cultivated in California are renowned for their delicious flavor and wonderful crunch. They are not just a palate-pleasing snack but also a nutritional powerhouse. These emerald jewels, which grow from the seeds of the Pistacia vera tree, are a versatile ingredient that can improve both savory and sweet meals since they are full of protein, fiber, antioxidants, and healthy fats. In honor of World Hypertension Day, American Pistachio Growers (APG) and nutritionist and health expert Dr. Varun Katyal discuss the advantages of pistachios for your health as well as their potential to lower blood pressure.

Pistachio nuts are high in fiber and polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which are linked to lowering the risk of heart disease and maintaining normal cholesterol levels, according to nutritionist and health expert Dr. Varun Katyal. Additionally, studies show that eating pistachios lowers blood pressure, especially when compared to other nuts. The effect of pistachio intake on different heart health risk factors has been the subject of many research.

A multitude of research studies have examined the impact of pistachio consumption on different heart health risk factors. According to these research, consuming one to three ounces of pistachios per day, or 10%–20% of total calories, may assist in enhancing heart health in five ways:

reducing LDL, non-HDL, and total cholesterol levels

Blood antioxidant levels rising and oxidized-LDL levels falling

decreasing blood levels of tiny, dense LDL and raising blood levels of phytosterols

offering advantageous anti-inflammatory qualities.

reducing peripheral vascular responses, heart rate, and blood pressure in order to lessen acute stress.Pistachios provide the following extra, significant health advantages that come with having them in your diet:
Rich in Antioxidants

Antioxidants found in American pistachios include vitamin E, polyphenols, and the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, among many others. Pistachios have an antioxidant capacity that is comparable to that of foods like red wine, pomegranates, and blueberries that are often associated with high antioxidant content.

A Source Of Whole Protein
A recent study examining the protein content of pistachios cultivated in the United States concluded that the crop meets the requirements for complete protein. Pistachios are one of the few plant-based sources of complete protein and include all nine necessary amino acids required for healthy growth and development in individuals five years of age and older.

Control of Weight
American pistachios are high in fiber and a rich source of healthy fat. Pistachios are a low-calorie snack that may help individuals on a weight management plan lose weight, according to research. Furthermore, PREDIMED cross-sectional research, including over 7,000 participants, discovered that the incidence of obesity was reduced in those who consumed more than three servings of nuts per week, including pistachios. Additionally, recent research has shown that eating pistachios as a snack increases consumption of several important nutrients rather than causing weight gain.

Encourages Cardiovascular Health
Based on scientific data, including 1.5 ounces of most nuts—including pistachios—into a diet low in cholesterol and saturated fat may help lower the risk of heart disease. Many studies on the effects of pistachios on heart health indicate that eating one to three ounces of them per day may help reduce heart disease risk factors, including high blood pressure and arterial stiffness.

Diabetes Studies have shown that eating pistachios reduced the rise in blood sugar in women with gestational diabetes and prediabetes compared to eating whole wheat bread. According to a review of studies, eating 50–57 grams of pistachios every day for one to four months may reduce insulin resistance, fasting insulin, and fasting glucose.

Heart Conditions
Based on scientific research, consuming 1.5 ounces of most nuts, including pistachios, daily in conjunction with a low-saturated-fat and low-cholesterol diet may potentially reduce the risk of heart disease. Pistachios have been linked to heart health in several studies. It has been suggested that consuming one to three ounces of pistachios per day may lower blood pressure and arterial stiffness, two risk factors for heart disease.

Pistachios may lessen delayed-onset muscle pain while preserving muscular strength, according to sports nutrition research.

Antimicrobial Qualities
Pistachio extracts have been shown to have potent antiviral and antibacterial properties via in vitro testing.

Major dry fruit stores and e-commerce platforms in India provide easy access to American pistachios. Simply inquire or look up “California pistachios.”

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