A guy accused of plotting to set fire to a synagogue is shot and killed by French police

Authorities in Rouen, in Normandy, said that a man suspected of setting fire to a synagogue early on Friday was shot and killed by French police. The guy was equipped with a knife and a metal bar.


Gerald Darmanin, the interior minister, said on the social networking platform X that the armed person had been “neutralized.”

Early this morning, national police in Rouen put an armed man down who was obviously trying to set fire to the city’s synagogue. He stated, “I applaud them for their bravery and responsiveness.

According to national police, the officers saw the individual when they arrived to the synagogue after receiving a tip early on Friday morning that smoke was billowing from it. The guy charged at policemen with a knife and a metal bar, according to the national police information agency. According to authorities, the individual was fatally injured when an officer opened fire.

According to Rouen Mayor Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, the guy is believed to have thrown “a sort of Molotov cocktail” into the synagogue after climbing atop a garbage can, igniting a fire and inflicting “significant damage.”

“When the Jewish community is attacked, it’s an attack on the national community, an attack on France, an attack on all French citizens,” he said.

“The entire country is scared,” he said. France is becoming more and more tense and angry over Israel’s conflict in Gaza.

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