A mayor in Japan resigned over 99 accusations of sexual harassment

NEW DELHI: Social media users are furious after a Japanese mayor resigned over 99 accusations of sexual harassment.

During a news conference, Hideo Kojima, the 74-year-old mayor of a town in the central Gifu area, grew upset and refuted some of the claims.
Kojima was found guilty of many harassing instances, including grabbing a colleague’s breasts and buttocks, by an official inquiry.

On Thursday, Kojima, who had the day before delivered a sad speech to media and mentioned his brother’s reprimand, announced his retirement.
He refuted a few of the accusations in the report of the independent committee, such as the one about him allegedly embracing female workers in public.
He said, “I didn’t do it,” clarifying that while his actions seemed to be an embrace, they weren’t.
“The report lacks neutrality and I want them to investigate more carefully,” stated the mayor.
Kojima said, according to NHK, that he had not read the whole report, which claimed he would instruct subordinates to touch his hands because they were “fair and smooth”.
According to the complaint, he would also make improper comments and requests, such ordering a worker to bend down, and roll up his pants to flaunt his legs.
After being touched, several employees even resorted to utilizing disinfectant spray.
Kojima, who is leaving his job on Tuesday, is not facing any criminal accusations.
The inquiry was started as a result of articles published in Shukan Bunshun, a weekly magazine.
Social media users were quick to notice the news and to voice their outrage at Kojima’s behavior.
He ought not to be sobbing, a user said. The staff members will feel like crying.”
If giving someone a pat on the head is just a way to communicate, then elderly guys should also get this gesture, according to a different user.
In the course of the inquiry, the committee polled 193 employees in the municipality of Kojima. Approximately 53% of men and 58% of women of the 161 respondents said that the mayor had done anything that made them uncomfortable.
Even if the #MeToo movement hasn’t taken off in Japan, a few high-profile incidents have forced the nation to address the issue of sexual harassment in recent times.

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