After six years missing, British teen Alex Batty was discovered in France and is looking for her family

A British adolescent called Alex Batty, who had gone missing for the previous six years, was found in the French highlands in a stunning turn of events. Through the phone of the Frenchman he met when lost in the mountains, he sent an emotional Facebook message to his grandma, his first to do so in six years.

According to the city’s prosecutors’ office, 17-year-old Alex Batty is now in a young people’s center in Toulouse and may return to the UK in a few hours.

Alex, an Oldham, Greater Manchester native, went missing when he was eleven years old while on vacation in Spain with his mother and grandpa, according to the news report.

A police source had previously told BBC News that the kid had been driven to a police station by the worried driver who had seen him early on Wednesday morning on a route in the Pyrenees foothills.
Early on Wednesday morning, the driver, Fabien Accidini, a delivery driver, saw Alex strolling down a route in the Pyrenees foothills.

“He explained that he had been walking for four days and that he set off from a place in the mountains, though he didn’t say where,” said Mr Accidini.

“I typed his name into the internet and saw that he was being looked for,” he said.

Alex spoke with his grandma back in the UK over Facebook via Mr. Accidini’s account.

“Hi Grandma, this is Alex,” he wrote. In Toulouse, France, I am. It is my sincere wish that you get this message. “I want to come home, I love you.”

“We need to make additional inquiries and put appropriate safeguarding measures in place as this is a complex and long-running investigation,” a Greater Manchester Police spokeswoman said.

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