Armita Geravand, a teenage Iranian Passes Away Following Alleged Metro Conflict

According to Iranian media, youngster Armita Garawand passed away on Saturday, one month after going into a coma as a result of a contentious event on the subway in Tehran.

According to the youth ministry-affiliated Borna news agency, “Armita Garawand, a student in Tehran, died an hour ago after intensive medical treatment and 28 days of hospitalization in critical care.” The ethnic Kurd, 16, lost consciousness on the subway and was taken to a hospital in Tehran.

Kurdish-focused rights organization Hengaw broke the story of her case on October 3, claiming that she had suffered catastrophic injuries in an incident on the network of subterranean trains.

She denied that there had been any “physical or verbal altercations” with other passengers, according to the authorities, and claimed that she had experienced a rapid decrease in blood pressure. However, rights organizations claim that the teenager suffered serious injuries after an alleged attack by morality police officers in Iran.

It occurred a little more than a year after the young Iranian Kurd Mahsa Amini passed away. Mahsa had been arrested by the morality police for allegedly disobeying Iran’s severe clothing code for women, an act that caused widespread demonstrations across the Islamic republic.

Garawand “suffered a fall resulting in brain damage followed by continued convulsions, a decline in brain oxygen and a cerebral oedema after a sudden drop in blood pressure,” according to medics cited by Iran’s Tasnim news agency on Saturday.

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