Baloch Demonstrators Astonished by Media’s Support for Pakistani Government and Press Club’s Letter Demanding Relocation

This Thursday, the Pakistan National Press Club called on the Islamabad police to disperse the Baloch protestors who had set up camp close to the club’s property. The Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC)-affiliated demonstrators are against the extrajudicial executions and forced disappearances of Baloch community members.

In a letter, the press club requested that the demonstrators be moved by the authorities, claiming that they were causing problems for them. According to those with knowledge of the situation, the establishment put pressure on the press club to write the letter. This was reported by CNN-News18. A source close to the Baloch side stated, “Journalists used to cover protests earlier; now, they have become party to the establishment for vacating protesters.”

Mehrang Baloch, an activist, said on social media that media outlets and journalists have a duty to support marginalized voices.

Earlier this month, there were demonstrations against the treatment of the Baloch people in Gilgit, London, Karachi, and Islamabad. Famous Baloch activist Mama Qadir said in an interview with CNN-News18 that the Pakistan Army and intelligence services are responsible for the enforced disappearances. He said that they had murdered young Baloch people and held a large number of them in detention facilities where they were mistreated.

He called on the whole community to support the Baloch people and insisted that the government form a committee to look into the disappearances and murders of Baloch people.

He voiced his unhappiness that the Pakistani government had prohibited food, blankets, and comforters from being donated to the Baloch demonstrators in Islamabad last month.

The demonstrators said to CNN-News18 that a nonviolent demonstration is intolerable to the authorities. They said that this answer raised questions regarding the treatment of Balochs in Balochistan.

When the acting prime minister suggested that demonstrators may join violent organizations, it infuriated the demonstrators. Protesters claim that comments like this violate their democratic rights and target others who are supporting them.

CNN-News18 earlier claimed that Islamabad police physically assaulted the Baloch demonstrators. They were also forbidden from going to the missing persons’ camp. On December 6, the march started in Turbat, Balochistan, and ended in Islamabad, the country’s capital.

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