Blackouts were caused by Russian strikes on the Ukraine electrical system in Kyiv

The war-torn nation of Ukraine has been forced to implement rolling blackouts over the whole country due to persistent Russian strikes on its electrical system in recent weeks. However, if there are insufficient air defenses to fend off attacks and provide time for repairs, the shortages may become worse as demand increases in the late summer and the icy winter months.

Blackouts have even returned to Kyiv, the capital city, which hadn’t seen them since the first year of the conflict, as a result of Russian bombings hitting the grid in March.

Among the attacks were a huge assault on May 8 that targeted power generation and transmission infrastructure in many districts, and a barrage in April that destroyed Kyiv’s main thermal power plant. According to Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, the damage to Ukraine’s electricity grid totaled half.

The capital’s residential buildings became completely dark. According to the military administration of the city, a minimum of 10% of the customers were not connected. Many saw it as a taste of what can occur if Ukraine is unable to locate other energy sources in time for winter.

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