China asserts that the US has “no right” to meddle in the South China Sea

Following Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s statement that Washington is committed to protecting the Philippines against military assault in the disputed waterway, China said on Tuesday that the United States has “no right” to meddle in the South China Sea.

Foreign ministry spokesman Lin Jian said at a routine news briefing in Beijing, “The United States is not a party to the South China Sea issue and has no right to interfere in maritime issues that are between China and the Philippines.”

Blinken is on a quick trip of Asia to bolster US assistance for regional allies against China. This is his second visit to the Philippine capital, Manila, since President Ferdinand Marcos assumed power in 2022.

In answer to a query on Blinken’s previous remarks, Lin said, “Military cooperation between the US and the Philippines must not harm China’s sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea, and still less be used to provide a platform for the Philippines’ illegal claims.”

“China will continue to take necessary measures to resolutely defend its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and uphold peace and stability in the South China Sea,” he said.

Beijing ignores opposing claims from many Southeast Asian countries, such as the Philippines, and an international verdict that declares its position to be unfounded in order to assert its claims over almost the whole South China Sea, a vital passageway for world commerce.

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