Conflict in Ukraine: A Russian drone strikes Odesa’s grain infrastructure

The latest incident since the failure of a pact permitting secure supplies from the Black Sea occurred on Wednesday, according to the local governor, when a Russian drone attacked grain facilities in the southern Odesa area of Ukraine.

“Production and transshipment complexes have been damaged… Granaries were among the destroyed items, according to Oleg Kiper’s Telegram post, who also noted that no civilians were hurt.

According to a statement from Ukraine’s southern military command, air defense units engaged in the raid destroyed nine Iranian-made Shahed attack drones.

“The enemy targeted granaries and a production and transshipment complex in the Danube,” the report said. “The warehouse caught fire, but it was quickly put out. Firefighters go on with their duties.

Moscow has attacked southern Ukraine’s Odesa and Mykolaiv areas, which are home to ports and infrastructure necessary for the shipping of grain, since pulling out of the United Nations-mediated agreement.

In spite of the Russian embargo, the first civilian cargo ship to travel across the Black Sea from Ukraine made it to Istanbul last week.

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