Due to the dispute with Peru, the Mexican President will not attend the APEC conference

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the president of Mexico, said on Thursday that a diplomatic dispute with Peru will prevent him from attending an Asia-Pacific meeting in the United States in November.
Because Peru will hold the rotating chairmanship of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum during the San Francisco summit, Lopez Obrador said that he did not wish to attend.

The left-leaning President said during his early-morning press conference that he would not be attending the San Francisco summit due of our lack of links with Peru.

After Pedro Castillo, a socialist president of Peru, was overthrown and detained in December for trying to dissolve parliament and govern by decree, tensions between the two Latin American countries erupted.

One of Castillo’s most ardent international admirers, Lopez Obrador, refused to acknowledge Dina Boluarte as his successor, branding her a “usurper.”

In retaliation, Peru recalled its ambassador to Mexico and expelled the Mexican ambassador.

Lopez Obrador said on Thursday, “Of course we want Pedro Castillo to be released because he has been wrongfully imprisoned.”


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