During the G20, did Team China bring a “surveillance device”? Strange Bag Size and ‘No to Check’ Raised Concern

During the G20, did China carry any “surveillance devices”? A Chinese delegation’s arrival with luggage of “unusual dimensions” at the five-star Taj Hotel in New Delhi during the Summit prompted security concerns.

Security guards at the Taj Palace hotel noticed the “unusual” baggage of a Chinese group member. Even though the officers were told to make room for “diplomatic baggage,” the size of these suitcases apparently caught the trained staff’s notice.

A report said that the security officers let the luggage to enter while observing diplomatic procedure. Once they arrived in the room, a staff member discovered some’suspicious equipment’ in the luggage. The moment the staff’s bosses were made aware of the situation, they reported holding hurried meetings and requested the group to run the bags through the scanner.

The attempt by security to persuade the delegate to have his luggage checked as it was “a compulsory checking” apparently led to a heated confrontation. The Chinese declined to have the bags, particularly their contents, checked.

All delegates entered to go through the vetting, according to sources, with the exception of one Chinese guy. The fact that the Chinese delegate had requested a “separate and private internet connection” further piqued the interest of the security staff. According to reports, the hotel turned down the request, setting off a 12-hour drama.

According to further sources, police officers also attempted to persuade the delegate before he went to the Chinese embassy. With the Chinese security agreeing to take the equipment out of the hotel and bring it to their embassy, this action, however, addressed the problem.


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