Exploring the Universe: Students from Sancta Maria visit NASA and other famous American locations

Sancta Maria International School sent 38 students on an educational tour to the US. This life-changing adventure offered the kids cultural and intellectual enrichment by combining exciting NASA activities with trips to famous East Coast sights.

The trip’s high point was a three-day space camp at NASA, where kids participated in a range of activities, including museum visits and Space Shuttle simulators. The meal and conversation I had with astronaut Linda Fischer will always be remembered from this trip. Important NASA locations, including the Vehicle Assembly Building, the LC39 Launch Pad, and Rocket Garden, were also visited by the children. These exercises encouraged our young brains to think about pursuing jobs in STEM professions and offered useful insights into space exploration.

Apart from NASA, the kids also went to a few other well-known East Coast landmarks. They saw the wonders of human ingenuity and collaboration via a variety of rides and attractions throughout their day in Disney’s Magic Kingdom. Highlights from their science-based theme park engineering and special effects course at Universal Studios included Marvel Comics, Jurassic Park, and Harry Potter themes. They visited Sea World as part of their tour, where they went on exhilarating rides and had interactions with aquatic creatures, including orcas and dolphins.

Significant historical and cultural sites were visited as part of the educational trip. Students visited the White House, many war memorials, and monuments honoring Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and Martin Luther King Jr. in Washington, D.C. They gained a stronger grasp of American history and government from this portion of the trip.

They traveled to the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Ground Zero, and other significant sites in New York City, where they learned about the cultural and historical importance of the city. A visit to Niagara Falls, which included the well-known Maid of the Mist boat ride and the Cave of the Winds experience, was also included in the itinerary. An intriguing glimpse into the production and history of chocolate was offered by a trip to Hershey’s Chocolate World.

Along with offering hands-on, interactive science, technology, engineering, and math learning opportunities, this educational tour gave students cultural perspectives and a grasp of American politics and history.

Tvarita, a Grade 10 student, offers her thoughts on the US trip as follows: “The summer began with thrilling flights to New York and ended with magical days at Universal Studios, Sea World, and Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park. In Washington, DC, we investigated NASA, studied space missions, and learned about American history. The vacation provided the ideal balance of enjoyment and instruction, leaving lasting memories.”

“This summer, I had the incredible opportunity to accompany our middle and high school students on an unforgettable trip to the U.S. East Coast,” says Vaishali, Division Head, High School. Two breathtaking days at NASA, where we had the honor of meeting Astronaut Annie Fisher, were the high point of the journey. Her space exploration tales enthralled everyone and encouraged our pupils to have great dreams. I saw our students as they grew, bonded, and learned on the trip. Being a part of such a life-changing event and seeing their joy and interest was an honor.”

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