France Claims That Houthis Are to Blame for the Rise in Tensions in West Asia

After US and British attacks attacked the Huthis in Yemen on Friday for assaulting Red Sea ships, France said that the Huthis, who were supported by Iran, were to blame for the escalation in the Middle East.

The foreign ministry said, “Through these armed actions, the Huthis bear the extremely heavy responsibility for the regional escalation,” alluding to weeks of assaults on ships that the Huthis claim are connected to Israel in an effort to show support for Palestinians in Gaza.

It demanded that the Huthis stop these assaults “immediately.”

In cooperation with its allies, France “will continue to assume its responsibilities and to contribute to maritime security in the area,” the statement said.

France is a member of a coalition of many nations that was unveiled last month to defend Red Sea ships from Huthi assaults. These attacks pose a threat to a transit corridor that is responsible for up to 12% of world commerce.

Around 1,140 people were killed in the October 7 assault on Israel by the Palestinian organization Hamas, the majority of them were civilians, according to an AFP count based on official numbers.

Around 250 hostages were also taken by militants; according to Israel, 132 of them are still in Gaza, with at least 25 of them thought to have died.

In response, Israel launched an unrelenting military assault that has killed over 23,000 Palestinians, the most of them women and children, according to the health ministry in the region under Hamas control.

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