‘Gazab UPI’, Kadak Chai, Visas, and More: Internet Talks After US Envoy Gracetti’s One-Year Recap Video

The US ambassador to India, Eric Garcetti, detailed the accomplishments of his team in a video that stunned online users a year after he assumed the position. The movie that Garcetti posted on Monday has received over 190,000 views and has been praised by online users as an example of how to create a “top-tier” film. Some have gone so far as to declare that the storyline and substance of the video would leave ad producers in awe.

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The film opens like any official video that would commemorate a diplomat’s first year in a country, but internet users have taken notice since it includes humorous moments in addition to summarizing the accomplishments of both administrations.

At one point in the video, Garcetti compliments UPI, saying, “UPI Gazab Hai,” tsk-tsks, and swats away a hand that was requesting a sample of his delicious Chhole Bhature. He even declares that he has fallen in love with cricket.

“This is not a record high. Garcetti stated, “This is a new foundation for the work between Indians and Americans in the future.” He cited the joint project between ISRO and NASA, US-India collaboration in the healthcare and renewable energy sectors, and the efforts of his staff to shorten wait times and process more visas—1.4 million of which were last year.

Hood co-founder and Ginger Monkey creator Abhishek Asthana, who goes by the moniker @GabbbarSingh on X, also uploaded the video.

What an amazing video! Not even elite advertising creators will be able to pull this off. Observe,” he said in response to the footage.

A London School of Economics student said, “He has a natural flair for showmanship, having served as Mayor of Los Angeles.”

Indeed, one video that I was unaware of was three and a half minutes lengthy, said Nishtha Gehija, a professional accountant turned writer.

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