Imran Khan was given chicken and mutton while incarcerated: Pakistan SC

Imran Khan, a prisoner and former prime minister of Pakistan, is receiving chicken and mutton-based meals at the Attock Jail in line with his “profile and legal status,” the Supreme Court of Pakistan was told.

The Attorney General’s Office sent in a report on Monday in response to the Supreme Court’s request for information on the former premier’s living arrangements, according to The News.

According to the report, Khan was receiving appropriate protection and security from the prison authorities as well.

The report states, “The most safe and secure confinement of this jail is Block No.02, which was vacated and a section consisting of four cells was declared as the high observation block for the confinement of the said convicted prisoner,” adding that the neighboring/adjacent confinement block/barracks had also been got vacated.

Khan’s meal menu, which includes fresh fruits, vegetables, lentils, and rice for lunch and supper, as well as bread, an omelette, curd, and tea for breakfast, is mentioned in the article.

According to the document, the former prime minister was also given mutton cooked in ghee and served chicken twice a week as per his request.

Khan was reportedly kept in a cell measuring 9 by 11 feet that was white washed, had cement floors, and even a ceiling fan, according to The News.

According to the report, the bathroom’s size was increased, its wall was elevated to a height of five feet, and a fiber door was added.

Khan received a cot mattress, four pillows, a table, a chair, a prayer mat, and an air conditioner, according to information presented to the supreme court.

A TV and reading material were also distributed, including four copies of the Holy Quran and 25 volumes on Islamic history.

According to the rules, Khan’s family may speak with him for two to three hours on Tuesday, while the attorneys could show up for the same amount of time on Wednesday, according to The News.

According to information provided to the court, Khan’s wife and attorneys visited with him three times each between August 7 and August 23, and a team of five physicians also evaluated him.


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