Iran demands that Kuwait resume talks over the disputed gas field

May 14, Tehran Nasser Kanaani, the spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, has urged Kuwait to resume technical talks in order to settle the ownership issue about the Arash gas field in the Gulf.

At a weekly press conference in Tehran on Monday, Xinhua news agency reported that Kanaani emphasized the need for legal and technical agreements above media discourse to ascertain Kuwait and Saudi Arabia’s respective portions of the Arash gas field, also known as Durra.

The spokesperson said that it is too soon to talk about resource distribution in the sector since the maritime borders between Iran and Kuwait are still unclear.

Iran would not accept any unilateral actions that ignore its interests, Kanaani said, and he reaffirmed Iran’s position for formal discussions to resolve the issue.

The Gulf’s Durra gas field is the center of geopolitical tensions between Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.

In March 2022, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait inked a development deal, asserting complete ownership of the field; Iran, however, denounced the arrangement as “illegal” and at odds with previous discussions.

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