Iran’s ‘deep participation’ in the hijacking of commercial boats in the Red Sea is stated by the US

The United States said on Friday that Iran had a direct hand in the Huthi rebels in Yemen’s assaults on commercial ships, claiming that the Islamic Republic of Iran had supplied drones, missiles, and tactical information.

The White House made public the accusations, which are based on US intelligence and represent the US’s strongest stance to date over Iran’s alleged involvement in the attacks.

According to National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson, “We know that Iran was deeply involved in planning the operations against commercial vessels in the Red Sea.”

“This is consistent with Iran’s long-term material support and encouragement of the Huthis’ destabilizing actions in the region,” she said.

“We have no reason to believe that Iran is trying to dissuade the Houthis from this reckless behavior,” she said.

Iran-backed Huthis have routinely attacked ships in the crucial commerce channel, claiming their assaults are in favor of Palestinians in Gaza, where Israel is engaged in combat with Hamas.

In an effort to stop the assaults, the US and its allies have been working together, and the Pentagon recently said that more than 20 nations will form a coalition to safeguard commerce in the Red Sea.

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